BlackHat Merchant system

BlackHat Project team is introducing you to new update “Merchant system”. What Is a Merchant system (except than it’s a long awaited and our favorite update)?
BlackHat Merchant is a payment processing system which can be easily integrated into any internet or real store and used for accepting payments from customers with BlackHat Coin cryptocurrency in fast, secure, convenient and (if it’s required) anonymous way.
Depending on your store requirements or technical skills of the store owner the BlackHat Merchant can be either used as a standalone invoice management system through the web interface on special page of project’s web or it could be integrated into the store via the API interface.

Let’s go through the basics
First of all, you need to create a new account or log in if you are already registered. Next, go to Stores menu and create your store by filling out the required data in the form.

If your store is a website it’s recommended to confirm the ownership of the website domain by passing simple and fast verification process. To do that, open the store you created by clicking on it, go to Contacts tab, click on Confirm button and follow the instructions.

The invoices functionality is available on Invoices page. To issue an invoice you need to select the store on behalf of which the invoice will be issued, payment type (Transparent or Shielded), invoice amount and description.
What is the difference between Transparent and Shielded type of payment?
Like it’s in the BlackHat Wallet, each account in the BlackHat Merchant System has two types of addresses to receive invoice payments: Transparent (public) and Shielded (private).
When you use Transparent type, the destination address of the store will be publicly available in blockchain transactions which makes it possible to track the belonging of the address to a particular store.
In cases where it’s necessary to avoid the exposing of store address and make the transaction private you should use Shielded type.
Once the invoice is created it will appear in the table below.
Now, you need to copy the invoice link and send it to the customer who is going to pay the invoice.

The invoice statuses are the following:
Awaiting payment: The invoice has just been created and waiting for the payment
Processing: This is an internal status, showing that the customer started to pay this invoice. If the payment process is interrupted by the customer or due to technical issue, the payment process of this invoice could not be started again and new invoice should be issued for the customer
Payment received: The customer paid the invoice, but the actual transaction has not been sent to the blockchain yet or the transaction is created but haven’t reached 10 network confirmation
Payment confirmed: The customer paid the invoice, the transaction has reached 10 network confirmation and the funds are credited to your BlackHat Merchant account
To speed up things, the product or service paid by the invoice can be provided to the customer even upon reaching the status Payment received. It’s up to the store operator to decide of course.
On the Balances page you can track your incoming transactions, manage your balances and withdraw funds to your BlackHat wallet.

To understand how to integrate BlackHat Merchant system into your store via the API interface please visit and read the documentation.

As you can see in combination with previous update “Checks” (read about it if you missed this info) now you have all the functionality to run your business with crypto payments in secure and anonymous way. Our team will appreciate your feedback and hope you will find this BlackHat eco-system update very useful.
We are also remind you about current competition where you can take a profit with 1000 BLKC for each partner you have onboarded to use BlackHat Merchant API on it’s store (check the rules).
We will be glad if you help BlackHat team to make crypto easy and comfortable to use for everyone. Suggest BlackHat to your friends and all people around!
sincerely yours BlackHat Team